New study tackles the challenge of consensus about the causes and consequences of microplastics among experts!
To all researchers and experts on (micro)plastics,
We aim to explore how much consensus currently exists about the causes and consequences of microplastics. Therefore, we set-up a survey and your participation is valuable to achieving the goals of the project. We are a team part of the Horizon 2020 LimnoPlast project, a large interdisciplinary and international research project on microplastics. We would like to invite you to participate in this study to gather the views of stakeholders and experts in the field of microplastics, like yourself.
“We need to provide decision-makers with more reliable data and help to develop solutions for the problem of microplastics pollution.”

Mental models are representations of our thought processes, simulations of the world in our minds.
The study:
First, we ask you to draw a model of the causes and consequences of microplastics accumulation, using a digital tool. For this task, you can find a brief guide. This can be a new and fun way to show what you think about microplastics! Then you may fill in a short survey.
Good research needs a little bit of time. We would appreciate it if you could give a little of your time to help this study!
Thank you in advance!
To participate click the “START STUDY” button below (it takes around 20-30 minutes in total):
PS: You might learn something about yourself, too.
For this study, it’s best to have a large display, therefore please do not use your phone, but use your computer instead. Moreover, please do not use Firefox. If you are currently in Firefox, copy the link, open a different web-browser (we recommend using Google Chrome), and paste the link in the address field of the other web browser.
If you have any questions about our research or participating in the study, please contact me at marcos.felipe.rodriguez[at] or via Twitter.
Stay informed for results:
Follow @Limnoplast on Twitter or save our project website in your browser. Thank you very much for your consideration and interest in this research!
With kind regards,
Marcos Felipe Rodriguez
on behalf of the LimnoPlast team
Editor: Cleo Stratmann, Dec. 09, 2022