Rapid Microplastics Detection using Fluorescent Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles

A novel fluorescence-based system for rapidly identifying microplastics in environmental samples.
Rapid single-particle chemical imaging of nanoplastics by Raman scattering microscopy

Publication detailing method here: Rapid single-particle chemical imaging of nanoplastics by SRS microscopy | PNAS MATLAB code used for simulation, spectral matching, and plastic analysis here: GitHub – qnxcarnation/SRS-tailored-Spectral-Matching-algorithm-for-plastic-identification Raw […]
High-Throughput River Sampling System (tentative name)

Optimized high-throughput sampling methodology based on ASTM D8332. Publication forthcoming. See links below for availabile details: Plastics in Action Landing Page https://www.nait.ca/applied-research/our-work-and-impact/plastics-research-in-action Sampling video https://youtu.be/JyOabOKCsB8?si=XItqg3gHLaXjiN9N Conference submission https://youtu.be/KqrZwpJ0fYA?si=2SpbR0tKLu1kq-3p