CellProfiler and Python scripts for quantitative analysis of size/shape/colour of plastic debris
These scripts process photographs of plastic debris, detecting any objects present and measuring their size, shape, and average colour.
Written by Dr Joseph Razzell Hollis on 2023-07-24. Details and assessment of the underlying methodology were published by Razzell Hollis et al. in the journal Methods in Ecology & Evolution in 2023. Please cite the methods paper if you adapt this code for your own analysis.
Any updates to this script will be made available online at www.github.com/Jobium/Quantitative-Photography/
Python code requires Python 3.7 (or higher) and the following packages: os, glob, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scipy, skimage, sklearn, mpl_toolkits, itertools. CellProfiler scripts require the CellProfiler program, available for free from https://cellprofiler.org