A vast number of software, databases, methods, and other resources have been developed to enable plastic pollution research. This page is a curated and living index of tools that we believe to be relevant and useful to the field. If you are aware of something missing or incorrectly described, please let us know!
Open Data
A microfluidic tool capablen of rapidly characterizing particles (including microplastics) using electronic characteristics.
A novel fluorescence-based system for rapidly identifying microplastics in environmental samples.
In situ microplastics remediation device that utilizes magnetic field separation technology to remove microplastics and other particles from greywater.
Affordable standardized kit of 22 plastic materials typically found in the environment plus a USB thumb drive with ATR FTIR, DSC, and pyrolysis GC/MS data.
A book that that investigates the intersection of plastic pollution and the natural world through text and photographs in an artistic and scientific way.
Collection devices for floating plastics designed for urban areas.
Manual or autonomous floating waste collector device
Machine-learning based rapid & easy to use method for differentiating microplastics from natural particles in aqueous samples using flow cytometry.
Database of monitoring and observational data on ocean microplastics provided by researchers, research institutes, and governments from around the world, including 2D maps of survey...
Free single-use plastic tracking mobile application created by Eckerd College professors to improve business sustainability.
Chemicals are a central aspect of the plastics issue. Although there is a wealth of scientific information on plastic chemicals and polymers to inform...
Annual reports of amounts of virgin plastic and postconsumer recycled plastic used in beverage containers sold in California.
A static dataset of in vitro bioassay activity of chemical additives in food packaging. Includes data for pregnane X receptor (PXR), peroxisome proliferator receptor γ (PPARγ), estrogen receptor...
Countries are exploring ways to reduce the impact of plastic. This tool explores different policy interventions both regionally and globally.
Large database for general environmental monitoring data. Contains various microplastics monitoring datasets. Currently there is not an option to select for ‘microplastics’ as a constituent,...
Publication detailing method here: Rapid single-particle chemical imaging of nanoplastics by SRS microscopy | PNAS MATLAB code used for simulation, spectral matching, and plastic analysis...
CellProfiler and Python scripts for quantitative analysis of size/shape/colour of plastic debris. These scripts process photographs of plastic debris, detecting any objects present and measuring...
Python script for systematically colour-correcting photographs of plastic debris for quantitative photography.
Data portal and interactive map of plastic pollution in the Phillipines.
Non-profit committed to removing trash from freshwater lakes in California and Nevada using underwater drones and other techniques.
Autonomous underwater vehicle designed for oceanographic work that can collect water samples for eDNA and other constituents.
Optimized high-throughput sampling methodology based on ASTM D8332. Publication forthcoming. See links below for availabile details: Plastics in Action Landing Page https://www.nait.ca/applied-research/our-work-and-impact/plastics-research-in-action Sampling video https://youtu.be/JyOabOKCsB8?si=XItqg3gHLaXjiN9N...
Open training database, model, and analysis pipeline used in optimized workflow for identifying microplastics using near infrared hyperspectral imaging.
Long-running podcast focused on all aspects of plastic pollution by journalist Anja Krieger.
Toolbox and knowledge hub for decision-makers and scientists focsued on contaminants, nutrient, and carbon dynamics in temperate and polar coastal zones.
A prototype high throughput portable sensor for detecting microplastics based on Raman spectrometry.
Open source web graphical user interface for serverless computer vision classification of individual items of trash within images.
Extensive collection of art portraying marine plastic by world-renowned artist Mandy Barker.
Open access filterable database mapping >3,500 studies on plastic chemical exposure and human health impacts.
A machine-learning model that predicts (rough estimates) of micro- and macro-plastic abundance in rivers prior to sampling.
A gamified web survey collecting information to inform educational and outreach tools for marine debris.
A European Citizen Science Campaign in which school clasess and youth groups collect plastic samples from streams and rivers and document their findings.
Open database with quantitative measures for company data on global plastic production and usage, including: plastic packaging weight, reusable plastic packaging percentage, post-consumer recycled plastic...
Open-source Python-based mechanistic model of Micro and NanoPlastic FRAGMentation in the ENvironmenT.
MATLAB-based model estimating in vitro dosimetry of particles
Standardized analytical method for qualitative and quantitative identification of microplastics using FT-IR or Raman spectroscopy.
*Limited access* relational database for microplastics with controlled vocabulary and schema.
Fact sheets about applications, material properties, chemical safety, and end-of-life options for food packaging materials.
Fact sheets on plastic pollution.
Hands-on lessons about microplastics pollution in wastewater treatment plants using a tabletop model.
15 interdisciplinary hands-on lessons and activities help students learn the different types of plastics, their impact on marine and freshwater ecosystems, and about ways to...
Detailed instructions for low-cost lesson plan (10th-12th grades) for conducting a citizen science laboratory investigation of microplastics
IR microspectroscopy instrument capable of rapid analysis of microplastics
Open access publication and open source code for interpreting microplastics Raman spectroscopy using machine learning.
Patent-pending post-consumer filtration technology for washing machines that removes >80% of microplastics measured down to 50-microns.
A bubble-based plastic capture system for rivers that does not interfere with boating/shipping operations.
Program page for the University of Rhode Island’s “Plastics: Land to Sea” Initiative. Includes various resources, including news articles, events, and webinars.
Citizen science visual trash survey data conducted by Mystic River Watershed Association in Rhode Island, US.
Images from an immersive art installation made from 18,000 plastic cups to raise awareness.
List of resources for lessons plans and other educational resources for microplastics and plastic pollution grouped by grade.
A filterable web tool for selecting sampling methods for microplastics in various media.
BeBot is a zero-emission, electric-powered remote-control robot designed to remove microplastics from beach sand.
Currently under development – a thin solid-state nanopore instrument designed for rapid and accurate monitoring of nanoplastics. Project funded by NOAA.
Queryable and interactive Tableau dashboard for environmental microplastics monitoring data.
A digital platform for crowdsourcing structured information about plastic waste that utilizes an app that scans product barcodes.
Open query-able database of stereomicroscopic images of microplastics.
PRIORITY is a science and technology research network focused on developing, implementing, and consolidating strategies to tackle the global challenges of micro- and nanoplastics in...
Community page for a coalition aimed at developing an international, legally binding treaty on plastics that considered their full lifecycle.
Patent-pending device designed to be outfitted on car tires to capture tire particles using electrostatics and airflow.
A field-deployable imaging and illumination device that can rapidly characterize and quantify visible microplastic particles.
International working group focused on remote sensing of trash. Collates data, code, publications, and other resources.
Company that makes plastic removal technologies from terrestrial environments.
Small resource page for plastic manufacturing-related information curated by a Malaysia-based company.
Boolean phrase searchable (crowd-sourced) directory of marine and freshwater professionals, projects, and events.
Filter cartridge designed to capture microplastics in stormwater.
Blog regarding microplastics hosted by the Korea Institute of Analytical Science. Text is in Korean.
THE SENSOR A real time in-situ sample collection and analysis sensor for microplastics. The current processes used to sample and analyze microplastic particles is difficult...
This roadmap can guide researchers, practitioners and others with developing long-term monitoring programs for plastics in rivers. Relevant for macro- and microplastic monitoring.
Framework to Design and Compare Riverbank Plastic Monitoring Strategies. A meta-analysis of monitoring protocols for macroplastics on riverbanks – what are some of the factors...
Dataset used to determine statistical sample size requirements for riverbank macrolitter characterization.
Microplastic Pollution Map is the first interactive world map to document the nature and extent of marine pollution through microplastics. OEOO has been cooperating with...
The Beat the Microbead app allows you to scan the ingredients on packaging to see if your product contains microplastics. You will immediately see if...
Open-source Image Recognition Model to detect plastics, glass, paper, rubbish, metal and cardboard using a pre-trained Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network.
List of Trash Full Capture Systems certified by the California State Water Resources Control Board for the Trash Amendments.
Trash data collected from the Trash Wheel Family in New England, USA.
Semi-autonomous trash interceptor (solar & hydro powered) that is placed at the end of a river, stream or other outfall.
A pay-for-play portable, affordable floating wetland unit that collects and removes microplastic debris from rivers via plant root biofilters.
Commercially available unoperated autonomous surface vessel capable of sampling for microplastics and other constituents.
An interactive collection of EPA and other materials to create effective programs for recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, reuse, repair and waste reduction.
Citizen science app to collect data on trash. Contributes to Break Free From Plastic’s Global Brand Audits.
“Trash skimmer” designed for use in calm environments such as marinas, yacht clubs, ports, etc.
Database of plastic pollution powered (in part) by citizen-science smartphone-mediated monitoring.
Mobile phone app for citizen scientists to record collected trash
Citizen science database for global trash abundance
The Global South Climate Database is a publicly available, searchable database of scientists and experts in the fields of climate science, policy, and energy for journalists and...
Non-profit network of plastic pollution experts. Produces and collects information, presentations, and databases on plastic pollution.
Living database of reusable packaging materials, events calendar, and community forum.
Open source design for autonomous aqueous vessel. Could be used to design microplastics sampling equipment.
Open, crowd-source-able database of plastic leachates to be used with standardized extraction protocol and AI-powered forensics tool. Under Development.
(Static) database of >10,000 plastic-associated chemicals based on systematical investigation of 63 industrial, scientific, and regulatory data sources.
New Zealand-based citizen science monitoring team for microplastics. Includes database, map of samples, and additional information for connecting with school kids.
Instructional video for microplastics sampling in wastewater using ASTM D8332-20
Recorded presentations and report from the 2021 workshop.
Autonomous self-driving aquatic rover designed to remove macrodebris while collecting water quality data. Currently closed-source design.
Home page and database of plastic pollution projects and resources developed by and associated with the University of Plymouth.
A network that promotes, facilitates, and encourages lateral collaboration and research efforts on plastic pollution in Africa.
IKHAPP brings together a community of concerned scientists from multiple scientific areas and disciplines that are committed to work towards an environment free from plastic...
A portable depth sampling instrument for microplastics and eDNA applications
Crowdsourced (citizen science) living map/database of fouled beaches globally.
Marine expedition to raise action on plastic pollution. Includes open source technologies to recycle plastic waste.