California’s Plastic Recycled Content Reporting (CalRecycle)

Annual reports of amounts of virgin plastic and postconsumer recycled plastic used in beverage containers sold in California.
In vitro endocrine-disruption data and identification of chemical additives in food packaging (static)

A static dataset of in vitro bioassay activity of chemical additives in food packaging. Includes data for pregnane X receptor (PXR), peroxisome proliferator receptor γ (PPARγ), estrogen receptor α (ERα), and androgen receptor […]
Fact Sheets on Food Packaging Materials and Recycling

Fact sheets about applications, material properties, chemical safety, and end-of-life options for food packaging materials.
Planet Reuse

Living database of reusable packaging materials, events calendar, and community forum.
Plastic Forensics Fingerprinting Tool/Database
Open, crowd-source-able database of plastic leachates to be used with standardized extraction protocol and AI-powered forensics tool. Under Development.

Comprehensive leachable food contact chemical database complimentary to FCCdb.

The Food Contact Chemicals database (FCCdb) is a compilation of information on intentionally added food contact chemicals, extracted from publicly available sources such as legislation on food contact materials and […]